Almost every network or telecommunication company in Africa proffers an option to Blackberry Subscription, couple with the fact that the mobile phone has been one of the most sold phone in the early start of the year, more especially in the Nigerian market. Getting a cheaper browsing tariff can be a “hell in a cell,” considering the fact that one has to continuously manage bandwidth consumption from a huge subscription.

The Better Alternative For Browsing The Web

Almost everyday i surf the web, looking for vital and beneficial information that will add core values to the users of The charges received from these network company is often enough to discourage one from even coming online. But with the exposure and other physical constraint which has drifted me into acquiring several means to use this service for at-least at a cheaper price, i simply can not help but share the most affordable way you can browse the web without much charges. Talking about cheaper browsing on Pc, i think Airtel has got a hold on that particular sector. Though other network houses are still competing with each other, but the fact that this network allows her Bis plans to be used on other devices beside the Blackberry phone simply makes the case a little more exciting. I have seen people struggle just to come online and get to complain of the charges being levied on them by these companies and so i had decided to tailor my little and maybe effective skills to helping others get the same service at a cheaper rate.

Airtel Bis And Their Various Plans Can Be Used On Pc, Is That True?

For the past 2 years now i have been using the various Airtel Bis plan for my laptop. You can get the 1Gig Plan for N1,500, the 2Gb Plan for 1,500, the 4gb plan for 1,500 and also the Airtel 6gb plan for N3,000 naira. Now you can imagine how much you can save while getting more gigs for a lesser price. The various plans i just mentioned are all for the Airtel Blackberry users, but can also be used on any other device including your system. Though i have not been able to confirm if this codes are legally allowed by the Airtel team or not, but the fact that the company has been silent for the past 2 years, if not more, simply makes it a little bit legal (So i guess).To get all of these gigs for the same plans, simply visit the highlighted link “Airtel 6gig Plan For N3,000,” i did wrote the whole plans there.

Can I Use MTN, Glo Or Etisalat Bis On Pc?

Yes and No. To some extent i have been able to make use of all the BIS plans of these network on Pc, but not all have lasted for as long as the Airtel network has been. For a better browsing experience, i prefer you take the Airtel Bis browsing tariff plan. It is the cheapest when compared to other network companies.

How Do I use The Airtel Bis On PC?

Simply recharge your account and dial the relevant code as stated in links provided in the “Airtel Bis Plans And Their Various Plan Can Be Used On PC, Is That True”? and you will get all the plan.

APN should be set to Leave the username and password blank and you are free to browse the web with the number of gigs you have subscribe for.

I hope you have been able to gain a cheaper browsing experience with me. Thanks for taking out time to read this and always expect more tips as long as i make my research and find them out. No man is an island of knowledge, if you got anyone cheaper than this, let me hear it via the comment box.

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