2go mobile messenger is quite an interesting app to users, more especially those base in the continent of Africa. The South Africa Mobile messaging platform which was introduced in the late 2000’s has been seen pulling and housing lots of users on daily bases. From the gradual update of version and the quick break into the Andriod world, i bet you the app is one great mobile messaging platform you should be partaking in. Users of this application are give several start progresses based on their frequency in using 2go to chat. While some wait patiently for their star progress to gradually grow, others like you reading this may not have much time to waste but would want to get the highest star almost immediately. Due to the number of request for some proven tips on how to improve the star progress of your 2go account, i have decided to give you some already known but unused or not known but used tips that can boost your star progress to a professional


What Is 2go Star Progress

I thought i said that during my preamble right? Ok. Would not mind saying it again since you wanna hear me out. I did said that 2go star progress is an indication of your frequency in using the application. Some users see it as a hype as they are pros of the app while others see it as just another fun part of it.

Benefit oF 2GO Star Progress

So you think i was not going to mention this? well, i have been trying to get the benefits but have found no benefit. It just creates fun between you and your friends. You that searched this and is looking for tips may have you own benefits. But all the same, the are all for the fun of the app.

How To Boost 2go Star Progress Instantly

— This tips have been proven working. Download 2go v1 series

–Use a sim card with no credit (Tested this with Glo and it worked) Glo will be preferable.

— Launch your just downloaded 2go app

— You should see a display like “logging in, connecting” leave it that way

This trick can be performed as often as possible. You should see results in the next 5 hours and if procedure is carried out more often, greater results will be seen in the next 1 week.

Second Way To Boost Your 2go Star Progress

— Constant updates of your 2go status. You can have your status updated time without number. If you are into the twitter world, you will enjoy the benefits of always updating your status.

Third Way To Boost Your 2go Star Progress

— Always leave your account away when you are not chatting. Greater result is always achieved when it is noon time and evenings

You should see a better star progress if you have followed due progress.

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