Below is the 2014/2015 West Africa Examination Council (Waec) result statistics for the various states. Looking at the performances of candidates, you will observe that there is a massive failure. Below are the details of this year’s 2014 Waec result statistics.

States With Percentages over 50
1) Anambra, as usual: 65.92%
2) Abia, also as usual: 58.52%
3) Edo, new comer: 57.82%
4) Rivers, as usual: 52.78%
5) Enugu, as usual: 51.91%

States with Percentages over 40
1) Lagos state: 45.86% which represents a whopping 67 219 students-almost double those who passed in Anambra.
2) Imo state: 40.64%
3) Delta state: 40.12%

States with percentages over 35
1) Kaduna: 36.38% which represents 36 514 students-about double the number who passed in Imo state
2) Ebonyi: 36.05% representing just 9 170 students out of 25 436
I think we can consider anything below 35% utter disappointment.

Comparing the Total number of students who passed regionally and  those who failed. See analysis below.

Total number of Students: 400,445
130.365 passed vs 270 080 failed
33% vs 67%

Total number of Students: 184 970
118 985 passed vs 65 985 failed
64% vs 36%


Total number of students: 305 183
131 072 passed vs 174 111 failed
43% vs 57%

North west
Total number of students: 309 139
66 295 passed vs 242844 failed
22% vs 78%

North Central minus F.C.T
Total number of students: 279 558
62 499 passed vs 217059 failed
22% vs 78%

North East
Total number of students: 150 951
14 772 passed vs 136 179 failed
10% vs 90%

Total number of students: 18 153
5568 passed vs 12 585 failed
31% vs 69%

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