This is the first time of hearing this, and I have decided to share the great news with you. Do you know that you can win a cash prize and a trip to St. Petersburg Russia? The software guru “Microsoft,” is teaming up with Nokia, one of the global leading providers of mobile phones, to fund this ever glooming event. The total cash prize that has been slated for this event was announced to be $300,000 dollars.

As a means of improving and appreciating the wonderful talents in the world, students who feel they have great idea in making a great app, can now bring that dream of theirs to a reality when they involve themselves in this competition. Remember, I earlier mentioned that the finalists who were selected, would be flown away to Russia for further contest, as a means of seeing that come to past, participants are advised to bring out the best of their ideas. The famous information Technology companies have decided to actualize the dreams of students who can make great apps by propelling such talents to the next level.

Microsoft And Nokia Comes Up With The Imagine cup For Apps Developers

The programme is on its 11th year of existence and suitable qualified students are being invited to make and improve the technology of the world. The programme has welcomed quite a good number of participants from across the nation which included Nigeria participating in the finals last year.

Finalist who were selected around the world would be given flight tickets to Russia to continue the contest. As a means of engaging you more in this , the last year winning application “Swiftler,” which is a health solution app that was designed to improve on the medical, security and other services in respect to emergency situation. The app was developed by Team Gravity of the Obafemi  Awolowo University Ille Ife in Nigeria. This is to show that the nation really has upgraded minds in the aspect of technology. The team of software gurus really made the nation and the world proud when they won the last year competition.

The National Finals have been slated to take place in Lagos in the month of July which will be followed by the worldwide finals that is to take place in Russia from the 8th -11th. Registration for participation has already started, and I am very sorry to bring it just a day to the end of the registration. The deadline is on the 15th of March , 2013 at 12.00am.

To register for this, please visit the official website at and keep up with the updates given there.

To go to direct link for registration, you can go to this website

Thanks for applying.

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