Going beyond what every search engine should do, is one of Google’s utmost goal. Google has been seen all years trying to build and make the world search for information very interesting and easy. The company which have off lately added awesome features to its search engine update has been seen floating from one level of development to another. People often get confuse if Google can be regarded as a search engine, a blog, or a currency converting site. The truth is that the company has put in lots of efforts to make the world search for information a whole lots easier. This has helped put in the best in terms of competing with other search engines.

There are a whole lot of things you can do on the google search engines, which you may have not been exploring at the time when you use the search engine. You can convert your currency on the google search engine, get great results via google (Although blogs should be credited for the result provided),  and a whole lot of little stuffs that time may not be permitting me to mention.

Whats New On Google Search Engine?

Recently, Google added a new feature in their recent  update to the search engine. You can  now get to find out the meaning of words.Google’s dictionary definitions — which you can invoke by using a query like “define images ” — now feature significantly more information about virtually every word in its catalog. The update, Google says, is meant to “give you more information about these words beyond just their definition.”

The dictionary box recently began showing sentences that contain the words, as well as their synonyms. That means, one can get the meaning of the words with its synonyms, usage stats,translation and its sample sentence. Now while on the web, you can get the meaning of some dictionary words via google. Just use the simple command “Define” followed by any word you demand to know the meaning and you will be given an appropriate definition to your searched terms.The result gotten can be read in about 60 languages in the world.

This is just one out of the many things you can do with the search engines. Hope to see more of it.

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