Today marks another day of the University of Portharcourt (UNIPORT) admission screening exercise and majorly, the 2016/2017 admission screening cut off marks has been the most asked question by candidate on this platform. Many candidates have been requesting to know what or how the University will be selecting their preferred candidates for admission into the 2016/2017 academic session (FRESHERS).

Well for now, there is no single idea of what the school may be up to or is bringing to the table; but with the look of things, admission into UNIPORT this year may be based on candidates performance in JAMB and grade in their O’Level result.

It is my greatest concern to furnish you with the necessary information to gain admission into the University of Portharcourt and that is the more reason you are expected to be acquainted with the updates here. Feel free to share and tweet this message with the rest of your friends now.

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