Is no longer a new update that the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has officially released her guidelines for the 2016 UTME admission process. Here is the way 2016/17 Post UTME Screening scores will be determined. No Examination will be conducted.

Number of sittings for O’Level
1) One Sitting = 10 marks
2) Two Sittings = 3marks
Total marks obtainable = 10marks

O’Level Result Grading from 5 subjects
A (A1) = 6marks
B (B2, B3) = 4marks
C (C4, C5, C6) = 3marks
Total marks obtainable = 30marks

JAMB UTME Score Grades
Check the image below for your score grade
Total marks obtainable = 60marks

So start calculating your score now

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