Every Jamb candidates wishes to know the next step, and that next step is to get a better priority on their school of choice POST UTME examination and how they can successfully apply for their school of choice POST UTME application form. As per the period of writing this post, no fewer than two schools have started their POST UTME sales of Application Form.

Many candidates have called to ask for the POST UTME forms for the University of Portharcourt, UST, Unilag, UNIBEN and a host of other great institutions. In as much as we wish the forms are sold earlier, you must understand that many Public schools are yet to start sales of their form as most of them may be depending on JAMB to get the cut off Marks before kicking off with the sales of their POST UTME application form.

According to a recent report, most schools may be starting the sales of their POST UTME application form from the 11th of May or the ending of May 2015.We are still on tip to get you any current update as we pay close attention to the various Nigerian schools and their POST UTME dates.

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