Sometimes finding the zip codes of the post office around your locality could be a little bit challenging and the stress of being able to fetch  that postal code of yours could cause you a whole lots of wasted time. As an individual, cooperate body or any other entity, knowing you postal codes is very important as some persons tend to confuse their zip codes with the (+234) international dialing codes instead of correctly getting their postal codes across for any essential need they may want to make do with. It is really interesting to know that the era of telecommunication and electronic message is gradually drifting the younger minds away from this postal service method of disseminating information, but not all information can be passed electronically, and some companies or organizations may still prefer using the postal method of delivery as they consider it more convenient and enjoyable even if it has been considered old fashion

Do I Really Need To Know My Postal Code?

Just as  i said earlier on, you really have to know your postal codes because letters or any other important information can be sent to you via that channel. Knowing the postal codes of the post office a stone throw from your crib may be important as not everything can be taken for granted when it comes to overlooking things.

How Do I Find My Postal/Zip Codes?

Finding the postal codes or the Zip codes for the post office around your neighborhood is very easy. The official website of the Nigeria Postal Service, popularly known as NIPOST, provides you with options to find the postal codes of :

Urban Postcodes

Rural Postcodes

Postal Facilities Search

The Urban Postcodes provides you with options to find the post codes of the postal office close to you in your state. This involves postal code of a post office in an Urban area, While the Rural Post Codes provides you ease of finding the postal codes of areas around your community.

I  believe you are now comfortable with all i have said, and the next line of action is to find the postal codes of the post office in your locality. To find the postal code of your locality, visit the official website of the Nigerian Postal Service and search for the post address.

Do note that getting your correct postal codes depends on the relevance of your search, as most persons have the mix feelings of their areas being Urban or Rural areas. For you to correctly get your postal address, do select your actual area.

For example, i stay in Rivers State and have my LGA back in Bonny Is land in Nigeria. If i really want to get my postal code, i will choose the rural Postcodes search + My state +My LGA+My District+My Town and click on the Get Postcodes Option that appear on the screen of the website. I hope i have been able to give you the insight of how you can correctly find your postal codes. See you later.


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