A couple of questions have been asked regarding the result of the just concluded 2013/2014 National Examination Council (NECO) GCE. Prior to this time, the result has always been released ahead of time so students can make decision on how to use there result for their Joint Admission And Matriculation Examination (JAMB).

For students who are still expecting there Neco Gce result, please be informed that the result of candidates will still be released sooner or later. Though alot of delay has been infused towards the delay of the result, the result is still going to be released in no distant time. Some questions you might ask may include, how will i check my Neco result when it is out, how do i get to know of the result when it is out, will i need to purchase a scratch card to check my result when it is out? Now let me quench your curiosity. To answer the first:

How To Check Your Neco  GCE Result When Out

You require no special skills to check your result when it is out. All you need is an internet enable device (Phone or Laptop) and you are good to log in to there website to finally access your result. I would not be going into much details since the result is yet to be  released.

How Do I Get To Know When Neco GCE result Is Out?

Definitely the existence of this portal is to disseminate fast information to you. You can always rely on us to feed you with necessary information to reach the top. You can subscribe to the email box or be a fan of our pages on facebook and twitter to stay updated.

Will I Buy A Scratch Card To Check My Result

Please note that you would have to buy a scratch card before you can be given full access to your result. The result can be checked not more than five times with a scratch card.

I hope the answers given a motivating enough. Share and like so others can hear this.

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