LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with 300 million professionals from all over the world. On LinkedIn, you get to build your professional identity online, stay in touch with colleagues and classmates, get to discover professional opportunities – jobs and business deals. This professional social network is a must for you to be. Why gist away on Facebook and you choose not to be on LinkedIn?

Use social media platforms to your advantage

Many individuals may disagree with me on posting ONLY what you want employers to see on their social media profiles. This is because they believe it is for ‘personal use’.

If you understand the current trend, you will definitely have a rethink! Social media is a very useful tool for personal branding and perception management. Everything prospective employers see or read about you online contributes to their perceptions of your personal brand.

So at best, use social media to promote yourself as a professional in your field of interest. When you tweet, do share something very insightful. Before you are quick to post that picture on Facebook or Instagram, check it again. Is it appropriate for online viewing and what will recruiters say about it when they stumble on it? That video on our YouTube channel, what does it say about who you are? The list is endless. in all, caution is the watch word in this regard.

Use social media to connect with decision makers in your field of interest, then build relationships and network appropriately. Remember, I have said on this platform before that the key point to social networking with recruiters and hiring managers is a symbiotic relationship. Never be a desperate job seeker when networking on social media, add value to people on social media and value would flow back to you in return.

Written by Segun Akiode

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