It is important you note that JAMB result can be checked for free online. There will be no need purchasing any scratch card. For you to check your JAMB result for free, simply click here. It is the usual culture of JAMB to release the results of candidates less than 24 hours if not after the two hours promised.

For candidates who took part in the 12th March JAMB CBT examination today, be informed that your results have been made available and by this notice, you are expected to check the details of your result now.

However, if you are yet to receive your result hours after the examination, just wait for it but if after today you are yet to receive it, it could mean that the phone number you used may not be correct or simply because of network issues. Alternatively, you are expected to use the “click here” button to check manually.

Some candidates have already started sharing their success. Feel free to share yours using the comment box.

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