The Registrar of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Professor Dibu Ojerinde, on Saturday stated that the new admission policy introduced by JAMB, for which he has been criticised, “is actually meant to help the candidates not only to get admission but also to get it on time.”

Ojerinde asserted that the decision to re-assigned candidates who cannot be admitted into their choice institutions because of the high cut-off marks set by the institutions for the various courses, to other federal, states and private institutions in that order, depending on the availability of spaces; choice of the course of the candidate; geographical zone of the candidates’ first choice and the performance of the candidates, was to help the candidates and reduce the numbers of qualified candidates who miss out on admissions yearly due to limited spaces.

He noted that JAMB had made the situation clear to the institutions during its policy meeting on 14th July, after it held discussions with the representatives of the federal, state and private universities where the degree of the problems of candidates were presented and solutions were proffered.

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