It is often good to hide some of your documents, either against those that would not just let your phone be or to protect your data from unauthorized access. When it comes to protecting our data, one can not help but to attach several function that will help minimize the rate at which different persons get access to their mobile phones, and how often they get to use the functions. Imagine living in an area where there is no constant power supply, and  someone gets hold of your phone, scrolls down to your music or any of your multimedia  section only to run down your battery. Of course, if you were to be in that shoe, you would not like to make any argument, because you will love to avoid any bad name attributed to “just because of i used his/her phone.” In today’s tutorials, we are going to learn how we can hide a folder on our phone.

This particular experiment was done using a java phone. You can as well attempt it on other devices. Popularly, most mobile users make use of  third party software to hide the files and folder of their mobile phones. And you can access your hidden folders only with the use of this softwares.


You can now hide your files and other important document you do not wish anybody to see on your phone without using any third party software. This was done using a Nokia phone and may be applicable to other phone publishers.

To hide your folder or files on your phone, please follow these steps: >> Get your Java phone ( You may try this test on any other phone to see if it will work)

>>Scroll down to where you have your gallery or any other place you wish to store your folder >>On the next window, create a new folder

>>You can put what ever file you wish to hide from people in the newly created folder >>Make sure your phone content is arranged in Grid style

>>Once this is done, rename the your new to w.otb and save >> After you might have done that, exit to the phone main menu. Go back to the location of where you have the folder, you observe that your newly created folder is invisible. For you to go to that folder, scroll to the end of the files until you see the name w.otb on the phone menu. Please note that the folder is invisible and it is hidden, so be very observant while scrolling through the unseen folders.

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