Day by day, we download and transfer so many musics, games, application etc to our mobile phones, not knowing that while trying to download these applications, the possibility of you downloading a virus from the web is very much open.

Virus as we all know is a malicious program written by somebody with a programmable knowledge to secretly copy itself from one phone/computer to the other. Virus can affect the memory card of your phone , the screen, keypad and other parts of the phone and finally damage the panel.
This what you should do when you discover a virus in your phone. Simply dial *#7780# and you will receive the factory setting software. Click on continue and then enter the software code.
Below are the list of software codes for some phones
Nokia – 12345
Samsung – 0000
Motorola – 0000
LG – 8375
After you have achieved that, press ok and your phone automatically boots off and on. 
After your phone has been switched on, restore your personal data back to the phone.
At the end of this restore, you are advised to do some manual settings to suit your desire. 

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