I never thought it was going to be necessary having a foreign account either based on euro or dollars or whatever currency individuals may have as intention with any bank till the necessity came up. I had someone asking me of a convenient bank  he could open a dorm account with, and i suggested the Guaranty Trust Bank which i have been using for months now and have been wonderful in the terms of delivery. Although other banks seems to be offering such service, but with the little experience i gathered while trying to get a foreign account for myself, i knew i could count on GTbank for several reasons. Now some one may ask, how do i get to open an account in the Guaranty Trust Bank and what are the tips that can sustain me in getting an account with the Guaranty Trust Bank. These are simple but very technical questions that you can achieve by just following some few steps. Do have it in mind that getting a functional foreign account with the bank is as easy as ABC but could take a whole lots of time before other activities like withdrawal and other transactions can take place.

As an individual, company, or cooperate body, you may need to have a foreign account for the purpose of worldwide transaction, or other businesses that you may consider the need for such platform.Just incase you will need to have a hint before creating a dorm account with the Guaranty trust bank, here are the few things that may be requested from you before you can be given a form or considered worthy for a dorm account. Basically, when i requested for my dorm account to be created, i was asked to provide two passport photograph, a drivers license, a voters card or an international passport, two active references operating a current account either in GTbank or any other bank and your purpose of creating a dorm account. Although i was also asked to deposit some euros which i declined stating my reasons that opening a dorm account with the Bank was totally free.So If you have got the whole of the requirements i did mentioned, then you are a little bit closer to creating your own dorm account with the guaranty trust bank without having much hassle.


I will take it from you that you have gotten the whole of these stuffs i mentioned and your intentions for having such an account has been verified as legal and very much genuine. If that is the case, then your next line of action should be visitation. You will be required to pay a visit to any guaranty Trust bank branch, located around your locality, clearly stating your main purpose and making available all requirements being asked from you by the customer representatives. It is always advised that you get to the banking hall earlier on so you won’t be caught of with a lots of individuals on the queue while trying to get a customer representative to attend to you. Once your request is put into consideration, you will be provided with a reference form to provide at-least two referees from a current account holder, operating in either in  the bank or any other bank. Some conditions are attached to those referees, such as:

–There current account must not be less than 6 months old

— There current account must be active and not dormant

If  your ref meets up the following requirements then you are good to go. If you intend having your dorm account verified at the quickest time, then i will advise that you provide a referee from the same bank (guaranty trust bank). The confirmation of referees from the same banks is kind of easier than that of other banks. So you can have an advantage by providing your two referees from the same bank.  If you do have referees from the same bank, then you are good to go. After the submission of the referees form that was initially given to you, i will advise you not to just go and wait until the bank finally approves your references. If you wait on the bank, then it may take a longer procedure before your case will be attended to. In this situation, calling the headquarter of the bank within the next two weeks is very much advisable as this action will help hasty the approval of your account.

Have you had similar experience or do you wish to get a dorm account with the Guaranty trust bank, then these little tips i just shared will be very much beneficial to you in actualizing your dreams. If you do have any problem or any other challenge, i guess the bank is very much in the position to proffer solutions to you.

The official phone number of the bank is clearly stated on the contact page of the bank(http://gtbank.com/help-centre)  . You can get more info concerning this at the official website of the guaranty trust bank (www.gtbank.com).

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