Your Best Work Every Day

If you hate your job, start a stealth job search on the side, but don’t slack off on your current role. That isn’t fair to your employer, its customers or your teammates. It’s not fair to yourself. As long as you have the job, put your heart into it!

My motto is this: An employee’s job is to give his or her best work every day. A manager’s job is to give the employee a good reason to come back to work tomorrow.

These are the five things you don’t owe your employer

Your Creative Solutions

Work is a place to solve problems, bigger and thornier problems all the time. You learn something new and grow your flame a little bit more every time you solve a problem at work.

Even though a job description might be boring, it’s still in your best interest to bring your whole brain and heart to your role, as long as you have it.

The Truth

You owe your employer the truth about things that happen at work — whether anyone is dying to hear the truth, or not. When you speak up, your muscles grow.

If it feels scary to speak up, as it often does, think about this: the only way you can solve a problem is by addressing it. If you’re sick of pushing a rock uphill and sharing your ideas with people who don’t want to hear them, that’s a sign from the universe. Don’t waste your emotional energy on people who don’t want to look at problems and surmount them. Start looking for a new job, instead!


If it were your company, you’d want your customers, teammates and equipment to be well-cared-for. When you take a job, it’s your role and your desk — take good care of everything that comes across the desk and everyone you work with!

Your Integrity

When you’re burned out on a job, it’s a stress-reliever to tell your friends how tough you’ve got it. Eventually, if they’re good friends, they’re going to say “Dude, you have to stop talking about it and DO something.”

Complaining about your employer isn’t a solution to your problem, and worse than that, it tarnishes your brand as a person with integrity. Hate the job, or a client project? Don’t slime them — move on and find something that suits you better.

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