Examination can be pretty challenging a lot of the time, sometimes, we just have to put in our extra efforts in order to come out successful at the top of the game. Many candidates have been subjects of exam failure as a result of the little tips they may have been missing out in times of how to pass the exam or how they can attain a higher mark in the course of their choice. When it comes to passing an external exam, one has to be very careful irrespective of your level of brilliancy or the measure to which you have prepared to combat the wars of the examination. The RSSDA examination is one exam that I really consider challenging, and interesting if some missing tips are not discovered before time. Firstly, I must reveal to you that I am neither a staff nor an employee of the board, as what I am writing, is based on my experience in the times of the examination which was held few months ago. The major reasons I have decided to share my personal experience with you, is to aid you in building a better opportunity when the time comes. Here are the few things I think if you consider, can help you:


Time Management

I get to hear a lot of candidates complain of the insufficient time that is being given to them during the examination. Some have had the opportunity of being through the four walls of the exam, and have so far encountered this similar challenge, which is time factor. Now someone may ask, how can I scale through the examination? Good question. Firstly, you must understand that time is not your friend but your enemy more especially when it comes to writing the exam. Yea! You did heard me said that time is your enemy. I said so because; you take your friends close and your enemies closer. This will enable you study and learn efficient tackling skills that will help you win such enemy. You have to understand that; almost every question given to you must not consume more than 3o seconds of your time. The exam can be stopped at any time and if you are not careful concerning the exam, you may be a victim of unfinished paper and you know what this means.

Incorrect Details:

One of the easiest ways lots of candidates are dismissed from participating in the exam is via the incorrect filling of the forms given to them. As candidates, you must understand what you are filling and ask necessary questions whenever you are lost. This is one good killer. If you are expected to append your signature on the sheet and you fail to do so, that may just be an easy way for you to be sent away from the exam hall. Remember, the exam is a competition, and you must be able to do things right every  competition

Avoid Lateness

When you get your minds prepared for the exams, and you go to the venue at your convenient time, you may be sent out or fail to get full approval to participate in the examination. If the time of your exam is slated for 8:00am, you should be at the exam venue by 7:25am latest. You have to be at the exam premises just incase there are announcements that are needed shared. Remember, no matter how late you think the exam may begin, never you attempt going late to the exam as such action is capable of hindering your performance in your exams. Be organized to get to the next level.

Get Your Writing Materials Ready

Are you kidding? How can you go for an examination, and you fail to get all the necessary writing materials ready; that is so unusual. I remember the time I went for mine, there was this young man who went for the exam, but never brought his writing materials. According to him, he expected to be given all necessary writing materials there. This should not be your mentality. Do not attempt going for the exam empty handed. You must have all your necessary writing materials so you don’t get to be frustrated when the examination begins.

Do The Ones You Know But Answer All

I was almost a victim of this particular issue if not for the luck I had. I was just answering the ones  know, not knowing that there are other questions that demanded more time and I may not be able to attend to those unanswered questions at the long run. This was what I did. Any question I find challenging, I just give it an answer but mark it so if I had reserved time in the long run, I can still go back to them to give my final decision. Remember, never you leave any question unanswered because you need every mark to scale through to the next stage

Hope You Are Prepared?

Wow! So you think I was not going to mention this aspect right? Do you think you can just have all the points without the studying aspect? Makachukwu (Speaks in an Igbo tongue). If you are not prepared for the exam, then I wonder why you are still reading this article. For any exam in the world, you must be very much prepared. I won’t love to over emphasize on this as the word “preparation” is very easy to understand. Just be prepared

Knowing all these things can actually contribute to the success of your examination. Have you had any experience in any external examination? Do you want to share It? Then let me hear from you. I would love to learn and post more ideas to help students like me…

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