Every examination comes with its laughter series and going by the trend, JAMB CBT is not excluded. Some JAMB candidates started venting their views regarding the board and its method of examing candidates. Some of the text received from the mico-blogging platform “twitter” got me laughing. Behold the six funny JAMB CBT tweets find entertaining.

“That 15years old girl that scored highest in Havard exam would write jamb like 5times before she go get 203 enter school for here…@Mayoviral

“The kinda tension i felt when going to check my jamb result.. i almost fainted b4 getting to d cyber cafe.”….@ISRAELONA

“But how can you score 17 in Jamb?…@AkMammazBoi

2015 JAMB CBT Trending Tweets
2015 JAMB CBT Trending Tweets

“If u wrote jamb once,block me now..u are too serious to b on twitter”…..@Kelvinmemo

“But then. Jamb na scam. It is not a test of intelligence at all. Lai lai….@Morayzee

“Where are the people who wrote JAMB 3 or 4 times? It isn’t possible that all of us wrote JAMB once….@jayjay_stones

Feel free to share and tweet this hillarious tweets from some Jamb candidates. Use the social media buttons to do tis now.

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