As usual, a lot of persons have laid complaint regarding this particular issue, which means actually knows what it feels like to be in this category of persons. Are you experiencing this issue “You cannot see your result because you were absent from exam“? then i guess your case may be considered a little bit difficult unlike those with the “No result Yet” notification issue as earlier stated here.

What the “Candidates Absent in Exam” truly means:

This means that you were not present in the computer base test (CBT) examination and as such, you have no results. This is quite painful as the situation of one of our readers have really been a huge concern to us and the rest of the team. As per now, the next available step can not be mentioned yet since the result requires you to be present and have partook in the CBT test.

Yes a lot of persons complained of not being able to see their results, and to those we have not been able to check their results, be patient as this task is quite big as lots of persons are solely depending on us for solution. If you fall in this category of “Absent from exam,” simply relax while we try to figure out a possible solution to this menace. Candidates yet to check their results can learn how to check their results for free.

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