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Today we got the Nigerian Agip Oil company graduate programme massive recruitment. Please note that the deadline is only but 7 days away from today.

The Nigerian Agip Oil Company Graduate Programme is a development framework that enables new graduates to become fully independent Agip professionals in no short time. At Agip, new graduates have access to an unparalleled range of roles and world-class training and development opportunities.
You also need to be good at absorbing information, analysing problems, making objective decisions and coming up with original and breathtaking ideas. You should
have the drive, confidence and resilience to get things done, the flexibility to work well in a team and the credibility to influence others.
Agip matches you into a particular role based on your skills, so you will not be required to apply for a specific Agip position.
Be sure to click on “Agip Graduate Trainee Recruitment”. You will need to upload a copy of your CV.


Applicant must Not be more than 35 years old by April 2014
Must have completed NYSC with a valid certificate
Minimum of Bachelor’s degree with ‘Second Class Lower’ or HND with ‘Upper Credit’


Interested candidates should:
Visit http://www.recruitment.naoc.com.ng , as the page opens, click on New applicant registration
Choose Graduate Recruitment Programme
for Enquiries: [email protected]
Application Deadline: 28-Feb-2014

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