Loadedvilla.com knows you are all eager to know your Gce result status. We know understand your plight and that is why we have positioned ourselves to get info regarding the Nov/December 2014/2015 GCE result when it will be released and other important updates as regards to that. For candidates who wish to get updates via Sms, enter your phone numbers below this post at the comment section or be connected through this post.


Be informed that the WAEC Gce result for the 2014/2015 session will be released on the 18th Of December, 2014 which is Thursday. This update was recently passed on by the official WAEC twitter handle.

Below is a screenshot of what was sent few hours ago:

GCE Waec Result- 2014/2015
GCE Waec Result- 2014/2015

Feel free to share and tweet this message to the rest of your friends.

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