The Senate of the University of Lagos is proffering 2014/2015 Post Graduate scholarships award for students who got their degree in the school and came out with a brilliant result. Accepted persons must have graduated with at least a second class upper. In a course to promote learning among them, the school is finally granting such student a scholarship award. Here are some of the things you will need to know.

  1. The scholarships are awarded annually by the Senate on the advice of the Scholarships, Loans and Bursaries Committee, having considered nominations from teaching units.
  2. Only students of the University who have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or the equivalent are considered for the awards.
  3. Senate may make more than five awards in anyone year for postgraduate studies in any recognised field.
  4. The award covers lodging, feeding, book and equipment. The value in addition to free tuition is as follows;
    • N5,750.00 (Arts)
    • N7,000.00 (Science).
  5. The award covers the normal duration of the degree course subject to good progress report on the scholar by his supervisor.

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