The Benue State University (BSU), Makurdi, was yesterday shut down when lecturers and other workers in the institution embark indefinite strike over non payment of salaries by the state government.

LEADERSHIP report that members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), BSU chapter embarked on the industrial action to compel Governor Gabriel Suswam to clear their salary arrears.

It will be recall that after a serial strike, barely a year ago, the lecturers had signed agreement with Governor Suswam and adopted the “no pay, no work” strategy.

Yesterday, the situation crippled academic activities in the institution and lecturers obviously refused to deliver lectures, even as students who came to school went disappointed.

The chairman of the union, Dr. David Ikoni in a telephone interview with newsmen yesterday confirmed the strike and said the state government has not complied to pay off their February salary which, he stated prompted the indefinite strike action.

“We are on strike and this is indefinite until the state pays our February salary. It does not matter how long it takes government to pay, we will not return to classes till we are paid”, Ikoni stated.

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