2014 Oando is currently recruiting interested applicants into various positions. Some of the listed recruitment positions are listed below. You can as well check out other important Job listing on Loadedvilla.com in other to be updated with the current Job listings.
A Little Inside To Oando
Oando Plc is one of Africa’s largest integrated energy solutions providers with a proud heritage.
It has a primary listing on the Nigerian Stock Exchange and a secondary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
With shared values of Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Passion and Professionalism (TRIPP), the Oando Group comprises six companies who are leaders in their market.
At Oando, we always on the look out for highly skilled, enthusiastic and dedicated people who can contribute to our continuing success.

Job Details
Here are some of the positions available on for the Oando recruitment currently going on:
1.) Governance Officer – Deadline: 29th October, 2014 –Apply Here
2.) Risk and Controls Analyst – Deadline: 29th October, 2014 – Apply Here
3.) Governance Officer – Deadline: 31st October, 2014 – Apply here
You are expected to click on the “Apply Here” links next to the Job position listed above to apply. Take cognizance of the stated deadline for this post.
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