Indeed we have come along way and today just marks another reincarnation of a new dawn. Nigeria@54 is simply an amazing experience us and to others.

Our Message On Independence Day

We advise all our visitors to fly the Nigerian flag and never be discouraged with the countries current downtimes. Nigeria@54 is a wonderful experience and you will never be able to imagine what your celebration can do to uplift the minds of your fellow Nigerians.

True peace is expressed when a person is happy even in the midst of storms and rains. Lets live as one Nigeria and forget about the state of Anarchy. You must believe in Africa’s largest black nation that we can make it work.

Remember, you are the ones we have been waiting for to make a change in the globe. Let that change begin with you.

Once more again, to the rest of the world, and to Nigerian students and graduates, wishes you the best independent day celebration.

Happy independence Nigerians! Long live Nigerians ! Long live

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