The National Association of Nigerian Students, (NANS Zone B) recently conferred Heroes Leadership Award on the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Prof. Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba.

Prof. Ozumba became the 5th distinguished Nigerian that had received the award after the likes of late Prof. Chinua Achebe, Prof Wole Shoyinka, Afe Babalola and Prof. Peter Ejiofor.

Presenting the award at the Vice-Chancellor’s conference room, UNN, the Coordinator of NANS Zone- B, Comrade Okorie Ikechukwu, said that Prof. Ozumba was singled out for the award because of his contributions to the growth of education in the country.

“We can without any equivocation bear testimony to the fact that Professor Ozumba has always supported any cause that will uplift education as well as whatever that will accelerate the pace of socio-economic transformation of Nigeria”, he said.

Comrade Okorie described the Vice-Chancellor as a man “who is dedicated to the pursuit of truth and fair play with the ability and patience to reconcile competing interests”.

He said that NANS’s confidence on Prof. Ozumba was hinged on his ability to make sacrifices for the interest of students which he demonstrated by the reduction of undergraduate and postgraduate school fees.

While describing the Vice-Chancellor as an apostle of positive change, the NANS Coordinator called for the involvement of Nigerian youth in governance to enable them expend their energy in nation building.

In his response, Prof Ozumba thanked NANS for the award, stating that he was happy that his contributions to the development of education in the country were recognised by students, who he described as members of his primary constituency.

The Vice-Chancellor, Who assumed office in June 2014, said he considered the award a celebration of his one year in office.
He noted that his interest in the welfare of students dated back to his undergraduate years in the University of Lagos where he made his mark as an activist.

“While serving as a Dean and the Provost, College of Medicine, I continued to fight for and protected the interest of my students”, he said

Prof Ozumba said his administration was making effort to improve municipal services in all the campuses of the university.
According to him, the administration had so far provided ubiquitous internet services; ensured steady flow of water; and was making plans to free the University from the national problem of erratic power supply.

Prof. Ozumba acknowledged the many problems bedevilling the Nigerian education sector; he however expressed confidence that the administration of President Mohammadu Buhari would bring succour to the sector.

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