Examination they say is not the true test of knowledge. One may be very intelligent yet fail an examination. This is quite usual as the reasons for failure some times is not base on the lack of preparation or commitment but lack of concentration or carelessness. We all have failed sometime in life; but our ability to learn from our failures makes us outstanding and this is one of the reasons I am making up this post for the purpose of those who have experienced unexpected failures in examination they believe they should  have passed.

I am not a guru or the most intelligent person, but the dumbest idea can save the sharpest brain. Have you failed an exam before? Are you surprise at the outcome of the examination you failed? Do you feel you should have been successful in the examination you wrote? If the answer to all these questions is “Yes,” then I will advise you to look at the possible reasons why you failed that examination.

This Exam Simple Die Ehh!

Life is all about having personal experiences and I want to share with you why you might have failed that examination you thought was easy. Here are the possible reasons you failed the examination below:


You Thought The Examination Was Too Easy

A lot of persons have been victims of this particular problem. Taking an examination to be as easy as ABC is a very wrong move to make. 60% of failures encountered in external examinations have been rooted from this easy as ABC attitude. Yes you are clever, but taking that examination to be too easy may generate the root to failure.

Have you ever wondered the number of times you got scores below your expectation in simple examinations? This is because you under rated the examination. I am not trying to say you should over Hype an examination as being too hard but be very careful while you answer to the questions.


You Thought It Was Too Hard

I know someone will be saying “What do you mean by too hard or too simple”? In as much as you are not trying to make the examination look too simple, do not make it look too difficult as well. Failure comes only when you think failure and the same thing goes for success. So do away with that particular mind set


You Were In A Haste To Submit

I remember those days in secondary school when one submits early in an exam which is proven to be kind of difficult, cheers and whistles are sounded in other to applaud such individual. You are tagged a brilliant student. But are you aware that not all students who act this way come out successful? Keep the answer to yourself. Have you ever rushed to submit and observed that you forgot to answer some questions? if you have had similar  experience then being in a haste to submit your paper should be a wrong move.


You Were Never Prepared

An adage says “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” You don’t expect success when your preparation level is failure. You must have prepared for the examination adequately about two days to the D- day just to avoid misunderstanding down the road


You Crammed Instead Of Understanding

I understand you are desperate to make the paper. But cramming before writing an examination can cause lots of set backs. Imagine having the whole text book  memorized instead of understood and you tend to forget a line of definition, you know what that means; you will simply encounter brain imbalance.


Paying Deaf Ears To Instructions

In as much as you may have a better understanding of the course than the invigilator, try as much as possible to listen to instruction. Do not start when you have not been asked to and do not use any other material beside the ones requested or approved for usage by your invigilator.


You Depended On Another Source For Answers ( Expo, Fire down, Omo remind me, your friend)

Even if the examination is tough, you really do not have to depend on any atomic bomb or friend to pass it. You may be caught in the process or even disappointed by your source.


You Don’t Follow The Fact And Fiction Of Loadedvilla.com

Someone may be asking “how”? if you had not seen this post would you have been able to discover this few points? (Smiles and walk away)

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