Today  is Valentine and we’ve got you thinking and wondering. Now you have seen the 5 educative ways you can celebrate Valentine right? Now lets get you moving with the Valentine Books that can keep you talking with your loved ones.

JANE EYRE: By Charlotte Bronte

If you haven’t yet met Edward Rochester, the narrator’s love interest whom readers in the UK have voted the most romantic man in English literature, you had better look for him..

MOON CALLED: By Patricia Briggs

If you love romance with a touch of the paranormal, this first book in a series of five presents from a heroine who fights primarily for love’s sake. And if you like it, you will be set on an entire series.

LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA: By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Two youths fall madly in love but are stopped by stronger forces from getting married, yet they never forget each other and after 50 years of waiting (the woman married and the man with an experience of several unfulfilling relationships), they try to finally forge a life together.


About a married woman who falls in love with another man while on a visit somewhere, tries to get a divorce from her husband but fails, and ends up in a mess all courtesy of her heart’s desires.


When two hairdressers in a hairdressing shop fall in love and kindle a relationship, they have opened themselves to gossip and criticism and, according to the writer, all sorts of drama which a relationship is abound to generate among one’s circles in the contemporary Harare, faced with so many problems in all areas.

LOLITA: By Vladimir Nabokov

Always ranked by different critics among the five best novels of all time, it is a story of a sexual pervert’s boundless love for a pubescent girl. It has a touch of distastefulness, and yet it is above all a most delectable read.


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