Finally the long awaited response has been gotten. The NNPC has finally released their 2014/2015 NNPC official aptitude test date and has slated it to be on the 6th of December2014. Below is a recap of the text message one of the candidate had received this week:

“Re: Application to NNPC. Dear candidate,be informed that you have been shortlisted to write an aptitude test on 06/12/14. Test details will reach you soon – PCL”

Below is an unedited self confessed NNPC Aptitude test hint for candidates by a candidate

For the NNPC test format:
1. General Apt test of 120 questions comprising of 4 different parts.
PART A: Diagrams in which you will have to figure out the next one. Its exactly a lift from the GMAT 2005 and 2006. There’s no difference. I do not have the GMATs at the moment else I would have written out the pages. Just study them well my people. Questions 1-30
PART B: English tests. They are quite simple enough. Antonyms, synonyms and words relating to each other. eg: Abuja is to Nigeria as Nairobi is to ,
If you have done kimberly ryan’s test then there’s no problem. Questions 31-60
PART C: Mathematics with the whole lot from the GMATs. Quantitative not diagramatic and charts. Questions 61-90
PART D: Shapes (folding up of unfolded and painted shapes). Still from the same GMATs. Questions 91-120

2. Skill Test, SCIENCE which is for both engineering and science. It covers the information below.

Bouyancy, Local losses, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Waves, Linear measuring scale, Forces that act on fluids at rest, Fluid calculations involving average velocity, Change in Momentum, Direction of flows :streamline, Adiabatic and reversible processes, Rate feed back control actions, Advantages of Polyphase systems over single phase, Converging and Diverging nuzzles, Compressible fluid flows, Thermal resiastance of Insulators, Prevenion of Corossion, Properties of Materials, Requirements 4 precipitation/ hardening in metal system, Quarter wave, Phase shift: keying data transmission difference, Isentropic flow, Size determination of packed towers, Pyrometallurgical process, What Corossion fatigue depends on?, Basic assumptions of economics of engineering production, Creep, Speed of a DC motor is controlled by?, Differential calculus, Rotary type positive displacement compressor, Ideal outlet velocity of stream from a nuzzle, Enthalpy calculation, Inductance, Reaction sequence, Intrinsic stoichiometric ratio and questions like:
—A branching step consist of a reaction of a relatively stable intermediate known as, ?
—The decimal equivalent of a hexadecimal number 3AD is ?

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