I attended a Boarding school back in the days, and i can relate how enjoyable the struggle for a meal is. Every individual that has passed through the Nigerian system of Boarding school during his/her secondary school days will realise that Life is all about the struggle for existence. You struggle to bath, struggle to read, struggle to pass your examination,struggle to have a square meal; but you don’t struggle to receive lashes of the cane even when you never committed any offence.  If you remembered back then, one of the major struggles, is the struggle for survival and that is “To Eat.” You can imagine working for long, washing the dirty clothes of one very wicked Prefect and at the end of the day, you are given the “Food is finish impression.” That alone is capable of putting one in a bad mood.

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Every one cherishes the sweet smell from the Dinning Hall, more especially when the menu for that day is Rice and Stew. Lol! I hardly joke with that delicacy back then. Well, for those that can relate to these images below, Here are 10 Photos you can relate to if you attended a boarding school.

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1.When you are so hungry and that very wicked Senior ask you to bring your food.

Kelvin hart

Those that attended a Boarding school will understand the word “Massacre” and how the rush is when the Dinning Hall Prefect Boy declares it.


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