The National Universities commission (NUC) in collaboration with Park Association E-learning Group and partnering with Nigerian Universities is commencing the first major e-learning degree programme in the country.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admissions into the four Universities approved to commence E-learning degree programme through the Unified Matriculations Examination (UTME) for the 2013/2014 academic session. The programme is only available for candidates who wish to obtain Bsc. Degree in Economics.

1.0    The programme at the moment is commencing in four Federal Universities namely:

    1. University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom (UNIUYO)
    2. Usman Danfodio University Sokoto, Sokoto (UDU)
    3. University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri (UNIMAID) and
    4. National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).


  1. Candidates desirous of this placement must have written Economics and Mathematics as examination subjects in the 2013 UTME and obtained a minimum aggregate score of 180.
    For admissions into the four Universities namely; University of UYO, Usman Danfodio University of Sokoto, University of Maiduguri and National Open University of Nigeria, candidates must have a minimum UTME aggregate score of 180 and five (5) credit passes in the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) subjects including English, Mathematics and Economics at not more than two (2) sittings.

3.0     HOW TO APPLY

Candidates are to obtain a scratch card from any Zenith Bank Nationwide at the cost of Three Thousand Naira (3,000) and visit JAMB Website to fill out the E-learning application form using the scratch card Pin/Serial number and the 2013 UTME registration number and select a university of their choice. Passport photograph and finger prints are no longer required. This can be done at the comfort of their houses.


1. You can find additional information on  the e-learning programme website at:
2. All enquires can be sent to: [email protected]
3. Admission into the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) is on. Please note that applicants who did not register for JAMB can apply. For further enquires, please visit:

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