The Tegan Mosugu Company (TMC) is preparing for the national launch of a groundbreaking infotainment talk show in 2021. This gabfest features a dynamic mix of episodes that focus on entertainment, politics, lifestyle, and inspirational topics not only facing the everyday Nigerian but also people from all walks of life. Come and be part of a new company that is determined to change the course of television in Nigeria!
We are desirous of recruiting suitably qualified individuals in the position below:
Job Title: TV Show Marketing Consultant
Location: Lagos
Employment Type: Contract (Contract is subject to renewal)
Duration: 4 months (April-July)
Start date: As soon as possible.
Job Description
Responsibilities and Duties
Application Closing Date
14th April, 2021.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to: [email protected]m using the Job Title as Subject of the email.
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