Anger is one of the numerous emotions that is constantly expressed by everyone human being, including animals. It is a feeling that can never be avoided even if you try to, because it is bound to occur in our lives. Below are some of the things you should do when you are angry in other to help your emotional state of mind:
Try To Relax Yourself: Relaxing yourself is a very good method that will help you when you are angry. Sometimes, an angry mind just demands relaxation. The moment you learn how to relax yourself, then you will create a faculty of good feelings.
Forget The Cause(s) Of Your Anger: Often times, I hear people saying “ I forgive you but I have not forgotten,” this is not good at all for a normal thinking individual. This clearly means that there is still an atom of anger still deposited in your mind. If you are that type, you are really doing yourself more harm than good.
Pray: If you are a Christian or Muslim, I will advice you to pray. This is one of the best things to do when you are angry. Submit all your worries to the one who you believe is your maker.
Communicate With Your Loved Ones: A bridge in communication can worsen your angry situation. Communication really has a very big role to play in ones activity. If you isolate yourself, then you are just pushing your attention to the main cause of your anger. I know it is not easy, but force yourself and you will see the magic.
Laugh: My Pals, laughter is one of the best medicines to quenching your anger. Laugh for no reason but let it be a quiet one. Don’t laugh in an embarrassing way.
Always Visit LoadedVilla: “winks.” It could be very funny, but that is the truth. Visiting LoadedVilla.com daily and connecting with us on facebook and twitter is one of the things you should do before, during, and after your angry mood. Hmm; Don’t mind me; I was just pulling your Legs.
But if you abide by this little tips I have given to you, I believe their will be a maximum improvement in any angry situation you find yourself.
 Always remember that if you make anger your companion, love becomes your enemy.  
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