According to the minister, “Vice Chancellor must be prudent and transparent in the utilisation of the fund as they would be called to account.

“In the next few years the Federal Government expects a reasonable transformation on the infrastructures in our public institutions.

“The fund allocated by the Federal government is limited hence you must be prudent in spending and ensure value for money. Vice Chancellors should be up and doing and this administration would not tolerate any corrupt practices from anybody. Another thing the governing council of the institutions must follow is the master plan and the facilities in place must comply with the master plan.

“I want to sound a note of warning; on no account should the universities invest the intervention fund to earn interest. There must be no delay in meeting obligations to contractors, suppliers and staff undergoing training. All beneficiaries are expected to operate only a single dedicated account to which fund released by the implementation committee are sent to and from where the universities meet their financial obligations.

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