Are Nigerian graduate actually corrupt? lets see the view of the minister for education, Shekau. Full credits to for this article. You can read in full here.

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Education has remained a vital tool in human existence. It is regarded as the act of acquiring knowledge and skill in different spheres of life. An educated person is believed to have acquired the skill of being logical and rational, knowledgeable and sceptical in his or her dealings. Education does not only give us the privilege of acquiring knowledge, it also helps us develop our sense of morality, ethics and the dexterity of presenting facts when necessary.

The great philosopher, Plato once said “a man who lacks education is the most savage of all beasts. In other words, education gives us the chance of broadening our horizon. It cultivates us and also civilizes us in every aspect of our life and also makes us think in a scholarly way.

Education is broad based, in the sense that not only do we get the skill and knowledge from our various disciplines; we also get them from other disciplines. Education in contemporary Nigeria seems to be loved more than any other thing, as the number of those who go to school is growing rapidly despite the lack of employment after graduation. In the society that we are in now, if you are not educated, you will not be recognized.

Corruption has been a cankerworm that has ravaged this country. It has destabilized and eaten up every sector in Nigeria. In contemporary Nigeria, if you are not educated, you can never get employed. In other words, it is quite apparent that those who occupy leadership seats in all sectors and agencies in Nigeria are all educated. Even with that, corruption in this country is yet to be wiped away or even reduced.

When the Minister of Education, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau visited University of Lagos on an Impact Assessment Tour of Tertiary Institutions recently, he revealed that: “Education is the main engine room for the movement of our nation Nigeria. Education is meant to make us responsible human beings and help us change our attitude for better.”

He also noted that lack of patriotism is causing problems in Nigeria, According to him; “we are having more graduates and we are still having more 419 people. Why should we be having more educated people and more corrupt people?”

In an interview with the Secretary to the Edo State Government, Professor Julius Ihonvbere who was represented by his Personal Assistant, Mr. Austin Osigwe when he visited University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he noted that; “If children are not sent to school and orientated properly, it will boost corruption in Nigeria. Education liberates the mind. It frees the human mind and develops the human mind ethically.”

With the benefits of education and its impact on humanity, education still does not find solutions to the problem of corruption in Nigeria. Corruption still eats up every sector in Nigeria, thereby destroying the image of the country. Where could the problem be arising from? Could it be lecturers? Or from the students? Can we say is from the situation in Nigeria? Is it because of unemployment? Apparently NOT! Because only those who are employed control the various industries in Nigeria.

To attempt to write an article on corruption in Nigeria is like taking the bull by the horns. It is a difficult, dangerous and an unpleasant task. It is difficult because it is a hydra-headed monster with an indefinable number of strands in its makeup. As a cancer, its manifestations are subtle, abnormal, highly pervasive and weltering. Corruption is the perversion or abandonment of standard.

Corruption doesn’t help the nation to grow; rather, it hampers growth. Corruption is an act of wickedness and impurity. Our leaders are believed to have possessed this gift of wickedness and impurity. Who are these leaders? Are they not educated? Why do they involve themselves in illegal acts instead of transforming the nation? These and more are fundamental questions that we keep asking ourselves every day.

Why is Boko Haram against Western education? Because they believe that it corrupts the minds of the people. Analytically, looking at the situation in Nigeria can we take this assertion as true and sound? They have murdered thousands of people because they want Western Education to be scraped.

In a chat with journalists in 1999, a former senator of the federal republic of Nigeria, Senator Adolphus Wabara bluntly stated that; “Corruption is a household thing. There is virtually no Nigerian who is not corrupt. The entire nation is corrupt, (Chuta, 2004:5). Governor of Rivers state, Gov. Rotimi Amaechi last year said; “We steal because Nigerians don’t stone us.” Nigeria’s money has been embezzled by those who call themselves educated politicians.

There are apparently many cases of corruption in Nigeria but all cannot be exhausted here. It is lack of patriotism that has left our society bereft of public spiritedness, philanthropy and love for humanity. When highly placed public officials would inordinately seek to grab higher material benefits and positions for themselves, their relations and their children yet unborn, rather than make sacrifices for the humanization of the downtrodden masses, there will be slim chances of arresting the pace of corruption in the country.

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